Nicole, The Art Detective.
Uncover the secret world of art with a collection of short stories, inspired by historical events.
Join Nicole on unforgettable adventures through
Who is Nicole?
Curious and adventurous at heart, Nicole is fascinated with the world of art - particularly with things hidden from plain sight. She's in love with mythical stories that seem to be impossible. And yet, through the decisions she makes, she has the ability to make the impossible, possible.
But with all that curiosity and courage, Nicole is by no means "perfect", if that even exists. She tends to mind people's business, especially if she hears gossip about someone stealing a painting; gets people infuriated by asking tons of questions, as a good detective does; and sometimes, she finds herself in trouble due to not following rules, rules that she likes to challenge with reason.
But the stories she hears and experiences she lives, the ones we know of from the writing on these pages, make her the best art detective in the world.
Illustration by Natalia Kwiatkowska
Written for early adolescents, these short stories fictionalize historical events about the other side of the art world that you will not learn about just by looking at paintings on white museum walls. These stories about art and its secrets are meant to not only shine light upon the hidden history of art but also convey important values of life rooted in empathy, curiousity, and courage.
Read the latest story
Illustration by Natalia Kwiatkowska
Nicole visits the Louvre Museum, only to find out that the Mona Lisa is missing. Who stole the most famous painting in the world? And why? Nicole embarks on a journey, following clues left by the thief. Read the story to find out where they all lead.
"I turn around and there I see it - a red velvet cloth over a square-ish object. What is it? I wonder. As I come closer, I feel goosebumps on my arms. I pull down the cloth to uncover a painting."
excerpt from "The Case of a Painting Hidden in the Attic"
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